CEA unveils 2024 Manifesto to drive UK construction equipment industry forward

Quarry Products / June 14, 2024
By Guy Woodford
Limestone aggregate production at Wick Quarry. Pic: Ian Redding Dreamstime.com

The Construction Equipment Association (CEA) has released its 2024 Manifesto, outlining a comprehensive strategy to advance the UK construction equipment industry. Focusing on decarbonisation, digital transformation, skills development, and regulatory consistency, the Manifesto highlights critical areas for growth and alignment with global standards.

Viki Bell
Viki Bell, CEA Director of Operations. Pic: LinkedIn


Viki Bell, CEA Director of Operations, said: "With the General Election scheduled for 4th July, it is paramount that the CEA continues to be the industry's voice to the UK Government and local and devolved Governments while representing our Members in Europe and around the world.


"In the Spring of 2024, the CEA Policy Group was established to prepare this Manifesto, which sets out our position for a clear and transparent approach to tackle the challenges facing the Construction Equipment sector and the wider Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Education sectors."


Key highlights from the Manifesto include:


Decarbonisation: Advocating for a technology-neutral approach, the CEA supports the development of electric, hydrogen, and low-emission diesel technologies. Key asks include national planning for alternative fuel infrastructure and alignment of UK legislation with EU standards for hydrogen combustion engines.


Digitalisation: Emphasising the need for the UK to maintain its competitive edge, the CEA calls for harmonised digital legislation and a coordinated effort to bridge the digital skills gap within the industry.


Skills development: Addressing the need for a skilled workforce, the Manifesto proposes collaboration with educational organisations and support for technical colleges to ensure a steady pipeline of talent in STEM fields.


Regulatory Consistency: The CEA urges the government to maintain stability in infrastructure planning and regulatory alignment with the EU to avoid making the UK an unattractive market for international manufacturers.


The Manifesto underlines the CEA's commitment to being the industry voice and advocating for policies that support sustainable growth and innovation.

CEA logo
The CEA's 2024 Manifesto outlinies a comprehensive strategy to advance the UK construction equipment industry. Pic: CEA


Viki concluded: "Sincere thanks to the CEA Policy Group for their hard work and dedication. Their efforts have been instrumental in advancing our initiatives and supporting the industry's growth. Thank you for your valuable contributions in producing this Manifesto. The group's work will continue to be crucial for our success."


The CEA Policy Group, whose collective efforts produced the Manifesto, includes the following members: Viki Bell, CEA Director of Operations; Dale Camsell, CEA Technical Lead; Joanna Oliver, CEA International Business; Charles Stevenson from the CEA Board (JCB); Denise Peet from Caterpillar; David Waine from ConMech Engineers; Rob White from Kubota; Chris Sleight from Off-Highway Research; and Mark Bowen from ZF Services. Their collaboration and dedication have been essential in developing the Manifesto.


View the CEA Manifesto here.


See full details here: https://26098716.hs-sites-eu1.com/cea-manifesto-2024

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