The AEM (Association of Equipment Manufacturers) is highlighting the association's policy priorities for 2023.
The leading organisation in North America advancing construction and agriculture equipment manufacturers and their value chain partners in the global marketplace, the AEM has more than 1,000 members representing over 200 product lines.
Kate Fox Wood, AEM vice president of Federal Affairs, said: “The 2.3 million men and women of the equipment manufacturing industry make the equipment that builds, powers and feeds the world. Everywhere you look, equipment manufacturers are keeping people and critical goods moving and powering vital public services and utilities.
“Over the last three years, this industry has proved that equipment manufacturers are resilient and done so while facing challenges beyond its reach. Supply chains are stretched. Workforce shortages continue to keep equipment manufacturers up at night. The current trade environment continues to saddle equipment manufacturers with burdensome and unfair tariffs.
“But despite these obstacles, equipment manufacturers continue to lead the way.
“AEM’s Advocacy Team works every day to identify these challenges and chart pathways for legislative solutions in Congress and in state capitals across the country. This year, AEM will prioritise six key issues where equipment manufacturers need our elected officials to put country over party and champion legislation that will allow them to continue to grow and thrive. AEM’s policy agenda in 2023 will push lawmakers at the state and federal levels to prioritise the following areas:
Infrastructure: AEM calls on policymakers to prioritise infrastructure investments in rural, urban, and suburban communities across the country while creating a sustainable and long-term funding mechanism for America’s infrastructure.
Rural America: AEM urges lawmakers to provide a vital safety net for farmers and ranchers and advance comprehensive policies that will allow producers of all sizes to tap into the latest in agricultural innovation and technology, including the passage of a bipartisan 2023 Farm Bill.
Workforce: AEM supports policies to expand access and eligibility to state and federal career and technical education programs while encouraging young adults to explore family-sustaining careers and vocational opportunities beyond a traditional college education.
Trade: AEM calls on lawmakers to support policies that promote U.S. trade and investment with allies near and far, create a level playing field for U.S. companies competing in global markets, and make goods and services more available and affordable for Americans.
Tax: AEM encourages the adoption of new tax incentives and enhancing the competitiveness of the tax code to encourage further investment in the United States.
Immigration: AEM urges policymakers to fix our nation’s broken immigration system as they work to strengthen the economy, invest in the workforce and prepare for the challenges ahead.
“Equipment manufacturers deserve to have sound policies in place to help them successfully navigate through these turbulent times. AEM is honoured to continue to work on their behalf, advancing bipartisan, commonsense solutions to America’s toughest challenges.”
To view AEM’s 2023 Policy Priorities brochure, click here.
To learn more about AEM’s advocacy efforts or get involved, please contact AEM’s Advocacy Team.
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