The €160 million upgrade of Devnia Cement factory in Bulgaria, part of Italian-owned Italcementi Group Bulgaria, is due to be completed by the close of September 2014. The project began in summer 2012, and the plant's new production line may be finished three months ahead of schedule. It will have an annual capacity of 1.5 million tonnes. Italcementi is one of Bulgaria's leading foreign investors, having put more than €204.52 million into its plants based there.
The €160 million upgrade of Devnia Cement factory in Bulgaria, part of Italian-owned Italcementi Group Bulgaria, is due to be completed by the close of September 2014. The project began in summer 2012, and the plant’s new production line may be finished three months ahead of schedule. It will have an annual capacity of 1.5 million tonnes. Italcementi is one of Bulgaria’s leading foreign investors, having put more than €204.52 million into its plants based there.