Cemex France has announced that it has sponsored 12 beekeepers’ hives in a bid to protect this important industry and promote biodiversity. The company is working with three beekeepers in the region of Aquitaine and will work with them to provide tours to the public and promote the important role bees play in biodiversity. The scheme - Un toit pour les abeilles, which translates as ‘a roof for bees’ - helps to give the beekeepers a guaranteed income in a bid to maintain bee colonies.
Cemex France has announced that it has sponsored 12 beekeepers’ hives in a bid to protect this important industry and promote biodiversity.
The company is working with three beekeepers in the region of Aquitaine and will work with them to provide tours to the public and promote the important role bees play in biodiversity. The scheme – Un toit pour les abeilles, which translates as ‘a roof for bees’ – helps to give the beekeepers a guaranteed income in a bid to maintain bee colonies.