The expansion of the Mineral Products Association's (MPA) team of experts continues with the announcement of two new appointments.
Colin Mew, HM Principal Inspector, whose role includes Chief Inspector of Quarries, will be joining MPA in a health & safety advisory role, focussing on helping to deliver MPA’s ‘Vision Zero’ strategy by 2025.
A long term association with the mineral products industry and other heavy high-risk industries such as iron and steel has included major accident investigation work, policy roles and a range of work involving engaging with stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes. From his Doncaster Diploma/ Leeds University route to degree level, he subsequently worked in several managerial positions in the quarrying industry before joining HSE in 1993 as HM Inspector of Quarries. In 2009 he was permanently promoted to Principal Inspector, which included the role of Chief Inspector of Quarries, where he has led a team of Inspectors responsible for regulating Health and Safety in quarries in GB.
Mew looks forward to applying his knowledge and experience to bring about positive change, saying: “MPA stands out as the authoritative voice of the mineral products industry, and I have enjoyed a close association with MPA and its members for many years. Throughout that time, I have observed the collaboration and determination of MPA and its members to make workplaces safe and healthy. I am delighted to be joining MPA. It is a fantastic opportunity to work with talented and committed individuals and organisations as MPA members work towards their shared vision, ‘Vision Zero’, where everyone goes home safe and well, every day.
“It’s also exciting to be joining an organisation that has Health and Safety as a strategic priority and core value and so visibly supports and celebrates innovation and excellence. I’m really looking forward to adding my knowledge, experience and commitment to that pool of talent. So much good work has already been done. There’s a lot to build on, and the commitment of individuals and members is palpable. Health and Safety are written right across the MPA Charter with its core values: driving change, raising standards, improving perceptions. I’m ready for that challenge, and I feel privileged to be in a position to bring with me my insight into the regulator together with learnings from some unique experiences over my career.”
Joseph Hackett joins MPA as Public Affairs Executive, following several years working for various Members of Parliament in their Westminster offices. His policy interests have included infrastructure projects and the supply chain behind them. He will bring his experience as gatekeeper of the MPs’ inboxes to step up the volume of MPA’s Parliamentary engagement, including All-Party Parliamentary Groups.
Nigel Jackson, Chief Executive of MPA, said: “It is exciting to have so many talented and interesting team members joining us at MPA. They are a ‘shot in the arm’ that will invigorate us even more. We have a world-class team working across an ever-widening range of issues from climate change, resource use, technical standards and design codes right through to nature conservation, and Colin and Joseph joining the team will help ensure we continue to both protect and promote the industry even more effectively.”