Dr Ian Selby of The Crown Estate is to become the next independent chairman of the UK Minerals Forum from 1 January 2017, succeeding Lester Hicks CBE. Dr Alan Thompson of Cuesta Consulting Ltd will become secretary, succeeding Chris Waite OBE. Current Chair Lester Hicks said: “It has been a privilege to chair this important stakeholder group which was set up by the minerals industry nearly ten years ago. With a comprehensive membership including the industry, planners, the statutory regulators, environm
Dr Ian Selby of The Crown Estate is to become the next independent chairman of the UK Minerals Forum from 1 January 2017, succeeding Lester Hicks CBE. Dr Alan Thompson of Cuesta Consulting Ltd will become secretary, succeeding Chris Waite OBE.
Current Chair Lester Hicks said: “It has been a privilege to chair this important stakeholder group which was set up by the minerals industry nearly ten years ago. With a comprehensive membership including the industry, planners, the statutory regulators, environmental NGOs and Government representatives it ensures that sensible and informed dialogue about mineral extraction and planning issues takes place in an orderly and cooperative way. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as chair and extend my warm thanks to Chris Waite, who is also standing down at the end of the year, for his support as secretary. We wish Ian and Alan every success, knowing that they will be well supported by all Forum members.”
MPA Chief Executive Nigel Jackson, chair of the CBI Minerals Group which originally conceived and actively supports the Forum, said: “Lester has been a most effective chair thanks to his great experience in mineral matters both as a former senior civil servant at DCLG and subsequently as an active expert practitioner in many relevant organisations. We owe him a significant debt of gratitude as we do Chris Waite. Chris has an excellent track record as a former county minerals officer, AWP secretary and many other roles. The combination of Lester and Chris has ensured that the Forum has been run in a business-like and constructive way, creating trust and maintaining interest in the big issues. As it approaches its 10th anniversary I am confident Ian and Alan will continue the good work in the best traditions of the Forum. The need for the Forum only increases given the challenges of ensuring a steady and adequate supply of minerals as permitted reserves decline. Understanding the issues from all stakeholder perspectives can only be a positive all round.”