In France, the company Doublet and Suez Environnement subsidiary Sita have signed a partnership agreement to develop products using C'Urban eco-friendly concrete. Developed as part of a research programme led by Sita, Neo-Eco Recycling and the Ecole des Mines in Douai, C'Urban is 100% made from recycled materials, including construction waste materials and river sediments. C'Urban is currently undergoing tests and is being used by Doublet to create bicycle parking.
In France, the company Doublet and Suez Environnement subsidiary Sita have signed a partnership agreement to develop products using C’Urban eco-friendly concrete.
Developed as part of a research programme led by Sita, Neo-Eco Recycling and the Ecole des Mines in Douai, C’Urban is 100% made from recycled materials, including construction waste materials and river sediments. C’Urban is currently undergoing tests and is being used by Doublet to create bicycle parking.