The Italian marble sector is showing continued success with exports of processed and unhewn products worth €574.5 million during the first four months of 2014, up 5.3% in value compared to the same period in 2013.
The Italian marble sector is showing continued success with exports worth €574.5 million of processed and unhewn products during the first four months of 2014 with +5.3% in value compared to the same period in 2013.
Total imports of marble and granite also grew by 6.7% (€127 million) according to figures based on Istat data that emerged after analysis by the Marmomacc Observatory, the most important international trade fair of the sector with the 49th edition scheduled in Verona, Italy, from 24-27 September 2014.
For finished and semi-finished products the export of processed materials are still “the spearhead of natural stone Made in Italy” with €449.5 million (+3.2%) between January and April, 2014.
As regards outlet markets, growth in Europe picked up (€191.4 million, +6.6%) led by Germany, which imported Italian marble worth €42.2 million (+2.8%) and the United Kingdom with €20.8 million (+45.1%).
Countries in Eastern Europe posted trade worth €46 million (+10.3), despite the slight decrease in direct exports to Russia (-4%).
Despite its internal crisis, Ukraine imported stone products from Italy worth €4.5 million, against €2.4 million in the first four months of 2013.
Good results were also achieved in the United States, worth €105.3 million (+3.9%), while Asia saw a downturn (-3%) due to lower imports by India and China.
In the Middle East, Italian companies in the field continue to enjoy good business, especially in the UAE and Qatar, with orders worth €65.3 million (+3.2%). There are also good prospects in the Mediterranean area, where exports in the four-month period came to €18.2 million (+19.7%) thanks to orders from Libya and Morocco.
On the other hand, negative trends for Italian imports of finished and semi-finished products continue, settling at €30.5 million (-10.3%).
For unhewn products (blocks of dimension and ornamental stone) the first quarter of 2014 saw an increase of more than 13% in exports (€125 million in total) as well as imports (€84.9 million) into Italy.
Target countries for exports see China in the lead with €33.6 million (+10.5%) and India with €22.4 million (+5.6%).
Imports of raw materials also increased. In the four months, India supplied Italy with unhewn stones worth €13.8 million euros (+21.1%), while Brazil posted sales of €20 million (+7.7%). Quarries in Zimbabwe supplied Italy with materials worth €4.8 million (+26.5%), while South Africa totalled just over €7 million (+14.6%).