Marangoni Retreading Systems has welcomed two new Turkish dealers and retreaders into its global sales network. Basoglu, a retreading firm, is based in Devrek/Zonguldak, in the northern Turkey and, thanks to a good supply of premium new tyres, a professional service through dedicated vans, and premium retreaded tyres, is able to serve big and modern fleets. Recently, through the product RINGTREAD Blackline, Basoglu has been successfully supplying important international long haulage fleets.
Marangoni Retreading Systems has welcomed two new Turkish dealers and retreaders into its global sales network.
Basoglu, a retreading firm, is based in Devrek/Zonguldak, in the northern Turkey and, thanks to a good supply of premium new tyres, a professional service through dedicated vans, and premium retreaded tyres, is able to serve big and modern fleets. Recently, through the product RINGTREAD Blackline, Basoglu has been successfully supplying important international long haulage fleets.
Dirkap is based in the Capadocia Region, central Turkey, where, thanks to the high level of quality of its retreaded tyres, it is a key supplier for those fleets seeking reliable and high-performing retreads in order to effectively cut down the total cost of ownership of their operations.
As both new partners were particularly keen to see where the key products used in their business are developed and produced, Necdet Basoglu, with his assistant, Recep Guner, and Bilal Dirlik and Zafer Cetinel – the owners of Dirkap – visited the two Marangoni plants in Ferentino and Rovereto, Northeast Italy. During their visit, they had the opportunity to see how Marangoni works, to meet the engineers and all the people who work on the products and personally check every stage of the process.