Metso's mobile crushing plant, biomass moisture analyser and scrap shear and shredder concept have received prestigious iF Design 2014 Awards. The jury in one of the world's top product design competitions recognised Metso's products for their design quality, degree of innovation, environmental impact, functionality, safety and branding, among others. This year's iF design competition had over 3,200 entries in 17 categories to showcase outstanding achievements in product design.
Metso’s mobile crushing plant, biomass moisture analyser and scrap shear and shredder concept have received prestigious iF Design 2014 Awards.
The jury in one of the world’s top product design competitions recognised Metso’s products for their design quality, degree of innovation, environmental impact, functionality, safety and branding, among others.
This year’s iF design competition had over 3,200 entries in 17 categories to showcase outstanding achievements in product design.
The Metso Lokotrack LT106 mobile crushing plant is designed for crushing of hard rock and recycled materials for various purposes such as infrastructure construction. During the past 30 years, more than 6,000 track-mounted Lokotrack units have been delivered to sites around the world. Lokotrack was also one of the award winners in the Fennia Prize design competition this year.
The Metso MR Moisture biomass moisture analyser is said to be the first industrial moisture measurement application utilising the magnetic resonance phenomenon while the Metso’s EtaCut II scrap shear for crushing heavy mixed and demolition scrap, and the EtaShred ZZ shredder are both based on a globally applicable operating concept and product structure offering increased processing flexibility and low specific power consumption.