Mikko Vainikka has been appointed treasurer of Metso Corporation as of August 1, 2023. The current group treasurer Minna Helppi has resigned to pursue her career outside Metso.
“I would like to thank Minna for her strong contribution during the past 11 years leading our treasury operations and wish her all the best for her next career step. At the same time, I am pleased to welcome Mikko as the new group treasurer. Mikko has over ten years of experience in our treasury, which enables a smooth transition,” states CFO Eeva Sipilä.
Last month, Metso Outotec’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) approved the board of directors’ proposal to change the company name to Metso Corporation.
Outotec continues as a product brand and carries significant value as the name of some key technologies and products. The change of the parent company name Metso Corporation was effective on 4 May, 2023, but globally the change will be implemented in a phased manner.