Employers across the UK Quarrying, Mining and Mineral Products sector are being urged to take part in the biggest Labour Market Information Survey (LMIS) since 2019 to provide current data on the state of the mineral products industry in terms of skills, training, and qualifications.
The survey is being conducted by Pye Tait Consulting, a leading independent research company, on behalf ofMinerals Matter. Minerals Matter is the coordinated cross-sector approach to address the industry’s key challenges around succession and the skills gap analysis.
The latest Office for National Statistics research estimated the UK employment rate at 76%, 0.2% higher than November 2022 to January 2023. However, vacancies fell by 79,000 in the quarter from March to May 2023, indicative of uncertainty across industries, with economic pressures holding back recruitment.
In collaboration with the leading industry bodies British Aggregates Association (BAA), Institute of Quarrying (IQ), Mineral Products Association (MPA) and Mineral Products Qualifications Council (MPQC), this comprehensive Labour Market Information Survey will provide Minerals Matter with important data to shape the industry approach in the development of future skills and training needs.
Anthony Elgey FIQ MIMMM is Mineral Products Sector Standards Manager at Minerals Matter and is leading the survey. He explains further: “Our sector is key to supplying high-quality products to a diverse range of industries. It’s imperative that we get as many employers as possible within the industry to complete this essential survey. It will help identify where there are labour and skills shortages, identify education and training gaps and inform businesses about the labour market on a national and local level.
“The more people that participate, the better the invaluable data set that will provide intelligence to help us lobby Government departments, unlock skills funding, shape the work of Minerals Matter to align and support the workforce needs of the sector.”
To take part in the survey online, visitwww.pyetait.com/Minerals-MatterLMI2023