UK-based Mineral Products Association joined forces with a local aggregates producer to promote the dangers of undertaking lorries to cyclists in Oxford in a pilot event. The organisation hopes to promote its Cycle Safe awareness scheme more widely following the first session which was held in cooperation with Smith and Sons.
UK-based Mineral Products Association joined forces with a local aggregates producer to promote the dangers of undertaking lorries to cyclists in Oxford in a pilot event. The organisation hopes to promote its Cycle Safe awareness scheme more widely following the first session which was held in cooperation with Smiths Bletchington.
With backing from Oxford University Estates, Thames Valley Police, Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford Cycle Workshop Training, the all day event took place in the historic Radcliffe Square, near the Oxford University’s colleges. The event gave cyclists the opportunity to sit in the driver’s cab of an aggregates lorry to experience visibility and learn about safety issues.
Over 100 cyclists of all ages visited MPA’s Cycle Safe stand during the course of the day, where they also picked up safety literature and free high visibility vests. Oxford University Estates also held a useful Safe Cycling Seminar, in parallel, in the Sheldonian Theatre. The seminar, which was open to the public and put on with the help of Oxford Cycle Workshop Training, offered practical advice on how to deal with tricky situations safely when cycling.
Smiths Bletchington transport manager Paul Needle said, “We really appreciated listening to the cyclists’ perspective, as well as showing them what drivers see from the cab. Smith’s already have plans to run a similar event again next year with the support of relevant organisations.”