The UK-based Mineral Products Association (MPA) has published its new Water Strategy.
The UK-based Mineral Products Association (MPA) has published its new Water Strategy. Outlining the industry’s vision, the Strategy sets out three aims; to minimise water consumption, to prioritise use of the most sustainable water sources and to protect the water environment by sustainably managing water being used and passing through its Members’ sites.
Achieving these aims will enable the Mineral Products industry to improve its understanding of the amount of water consumed and demonstrate where measures have been implemented to reduce consumption, use the most sustainable water sources and maintain water quality.
The Strategy applies to the entire product life cycle, from cradle to grave, to ensure the consumption of water is minimised at every stage possible. Members are increasingly committed to designing products and solutions that will contribute to sustainable development.
The Strategy also reflects the fact that the availability of water throughout England and Wales is often constrained and cannot always be guaranteed.
This Strategy will be reviewed in 2020 by which time the measures set out in this document will have provided baseline data and a greater understanding of the industry’s interaction with the water environment.
Commenting, Nicola Owen Environment and Waste Policy Executive at the MPA said: “The MPA and its members recognise the importance of the UK’s water resources and the need for sustainable management to be adopted across every aspect of the mineral product sectors operations, from extraction, through to product manufacture and use. Our new Water Strategy, developed by the MPA’s Water Working Group, defines a framework that will help operators to minimise water consumption, prioritise the use of the most sustainable water sources and protect the water environment.
Collectively, the measures established by this Strategy will allow our members to demonstrate how their interaction with the water environment contributes to the mineral product sector’s wider sustainable development objectives, and in turn our ability to maintain a steady and adequate supply of the essential minerals required to support economic growth.”
Chief Executive of the Mineral Products Association, Nigel Jackson, said: “The development of the Water Strategy reflects MPA members commitment to our new vision and Charter including our 7 strategic priorities of which Resource Use is one. We think few industries have managed to advance their collective thinking to such a strategic level. Our members should be commended for taking the lead in enabling us to publish this important strategy which shows how seriously we continue to take environmental issues.”