The UK Mineral Products Association (MPA) played an active and supporting role at the CBI Minerals Group’s Living with Minerals 5’ (LWM5) Conference with the theme Towards a UK Minerals Strategy’. The Conference debated the merits of a UK Minerals Strategy, as well as drawing attention to the essential contribution of the minerals industry to the UK economy and our quality of life. New findings launched at the event revealed that: Minerals extraction generates a turnover of £5.3 billion (€6.6 bill
The UK Mineral Products Association (MPA) played an active and supporting role at the CBI Minerals Group’s Living with Minerals 5′ (LWM5) Conference with the theme Towards a UK Minerals Strategy’.
The Conference debated the merits of a UK Minerals Strategy, as well as drawing attention to the essential contribution of the minerals industry to the UK economy and our quality of life.
New findings launched at the event revealed that:
Minerals extraction generates a turnover of £5.3 billion (€6.6 billion), and £1.6 billion (€2 billion) in Gross Value Added (GVA).
UK minerals, including products manufacture and direct markets generate a GVA of £217 billion (€271 billion), 15% of the total UK Economy.
The mining industry directly employs 37,000 people, and supports 3.2 million jobs through its supply chain.
Given the economic importance of the sector and the fact it is a long term industry, where it typically takes 5-15 years to get from site identification to production, a long-term UK Minerals Strategy is seen as key.
The recent BIS (Department for Business Innovation & Skills) Select Committee report on The Extractive Indutries recommends the development of a “domestic extractives plan” with a BIS Minister responsible.
Nigel Jackson, chief executive MPA and chair of the CBI Minerals Group, said: “Industry wants to lead the development of a minerals strategy. We are not seeking Government resources or money, but we are hoping for stronger and more material Government policy recognition and support.
“Mineral supplies are critical to national infrastructure, the built environment and the economy and strategic thinking is needed to help strengthen the sector’s resilience to a complex and uncertain future.
“Our industry is now better organised, aligned, equipped, less fragmented and the UK Minerals Forum brings together all key stakeholders and enables us to test the key issues in a constructive way.”
The LWM5 Conference was a full-day event featuring high profile speakers from Government, industry and academia, including Iain Stewart, Professor of Geosciences Communications, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth and leading TV presenter on geosciences; Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Adviser; Ruth Stanier, Director of Planning DCLG; and John Cridland CBE, Director General CBI.
The CBI Minerals Group (CBIMG) brings together all land won extraction interests, including coal, the industrial and the construction minerals. MPA is represented on the group.