A Palestinian customer has recently purchased an ELKON concrete batching plant for its ready-mix business. A representative from the unnamed company visited ELKON's 65,000m2 production site in Turkey prior to making the order. ELKON has 15 different manufacturing lines with fully automated welding, cutting, grinding and painting robots in its factories. After being impressed with the technology at ELKON's manufacturing site, the Palestinian company decided to order an ELKOMIX-100 Quick Master Dry
A Palestinian customer has recently purchased an ELKON concrete batching plant for its ready-mix business.
A representative from the unnamed company visited ELKON’s 65,000m2 production site in Turkey prior to making the order.
ELKON has 15 different manufacturing lines with fully automated welding, cutting, grinding and painting robots in its factories.
After being impressed with the technology at ELKON’s manufacturing site, the Palestinian company decided to order an ELKOMIX-100 Quick Master Dry Type Compact Concrete Batching Plant which an produce 100m3 of dry concrete per hour.
The ELKOMIX-100 batching plant can be installed on flat concrete surface without any special foundation. The configuration has a T type aggregate weighing system which is designed to provide a faster weighing time with 2 separate aggregate weigh hoppers. The plant is equipped with two 125 tonne bolted type cement silos for cement storage.