The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) have given their formal support to the UK Minerals Strategy. Launched at Living with Minerals 6 ‘Securing Minerals for the Next Generation and the UK Minerals Strategy’ conference on 10 July 2018, the Strategy, prepared on behalf of the mineral products industry by the CBI Minerals Group and MPA, highlights that UK demand for minerals and mineral products over the next 25 years will be at least 5 billion tonnes
The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) have given their formal support to the UK Minerals Strategy. Launched at Living with Minerals 6 ‘Securing Minerals for the Next Generation and the UK Minerals Strategy’ conference on 10 July 2018, the Strategy, prepared on behalf of the mineral products industry by the CBI Minerals Group and MPA, highlights that UK demand for minerals and mineral products over the next 25 years will be at least 5 billion tonnes, most of which needs to be sourced from within the UK.
John Acres, RTPI president, said: “This timely strategy recognises the critical role of land use planning in ensuring a steady and adequate supply of minerals, which are essential to realising the government’s ambitions for increased housing supply and infrastructure investment. We support the call for proper resourcing within the sector to ensure that our members can develop mineral policies and plans, allocate sites for extraction, process applications and interface effectively with the environmental permitting regime. We also welcome the call for better data to support monitoring and the forecasting of need, and will continue to work collaboratively on the important issue of recruitment, training and retention in the planning sector.”
In a statement, the RICS said: “The sector has been asking for greater clarity on mineral assets for some time and the CBI/MPA report is a timely reminder of their importance to our everyday lives. The ‘asks’ for a clear national policy to advise local plan-making and a fully resourced mineral planning system are warranted and should be the starting point for a conversation between the sector, the government and the public at large. RICS members are actively engaged in the UK minerals sector, as well as all areas of the built and natural environment, and would support such an effort. Given the UK’s needs for housing, infrastructure and economic growth over the next 30 years, it is imperative that there is a greater appreciation of the value of minerals and the most effective ways to plan, extract and use them in the best interests of society.”
The CBI Minerals Group (CBIMG) brings together all land won extraction interests, including coal, the industrial and the construction minerals. MPA is represented on the group which it currently chairs. MPA CEO and chair of CBI Minerals Group Nigel Jackson said: “It is heartening to see important stakeholders such as the RTPI and the RICS get behind the strategy as many of their members work closely with the industry and understand the issues. We are keen for other professional organisations and key stakeholders to do likewise.”