The third-biggest cement producer in Thailand, TPI Polene, is to boost the capacity of its waste-to-energy power station in Saraburi from the present 60MW to 120MW with an investment of THB 3 billion (€72.60 million US$92.56 million). The power station's output caters to the needs of TPI Polene's cement factory. The additional output will be used starting in the 2015 fourth-quarter, with full capacity operations to take place in the 2016 first half. In 2013, the capacity of TPI Polene's cogenerati
The third-biggest cement producer in Thailand, TPI Polene, is to boost the capacity of its waste-to-energy power station in Saraburi from the present 60MW to 120MW with an investment of THB 3 billion (€72.60 million US$92.56 million).
The power station’s output caters to the needs of TPI Polene’s cement factory.
The additional output will be used starting in the 2015 fourth-quarter, with full capacity operations to take place in the 2016 first half.
In 2013, the capacity of TPI Polene’s cogeneration power station was upped from 30MW to 90MW, with the fresh output due to come online in 2015.
The cogeneration power station expansion is part of a THB 20 billion two-year investment budget due to end in 2014, that was also used for expansion of building materials and cement facilities.
A new foamed concrete block factory due for construction completion in the 2015 second quarter is also on the cards.