Demand boost for Bazano

Democratic Republic of Congo-based Groupe Bazano has just taken delivery of five Hitachi EH1100-3 dump trucks from the country's official dealer, Demimpex, in order to meet demand. The company operates a copper and cobalt mine near Kolwezi and the new machines will be used in a newly opened part of the mine.
Loading, Hauling & Excavation / March 30, 2012

Democratic Republic of Congo-based Groupe Bazano has just taken delivery of five 6512 Hitachi EH1100-3 dump trucks from the country's official dealer, 4649 Demimpex, in order to meet demand. The company operates a copper and cobalt mine near Kolwezi and the new machines will be used in a newly opened part of the mine.

Bazano already has two Hitachi ZX870-3 excavators and good experience with these machines led the company to invest in further Hitachi equipment. ''When Groupe Bazano was able to resume mining works after a period of civil unrest, it knew that it would need more equipment and decided Hitachi was the only choice for them," said Demimpex training and mining support manager Alexandre Stroinovsky.

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