NAM's new planning adviser

Nature After Minerals (NAM) has appointed Dr Carolyn Jewell as its planning adviser following the departure of Charlotte Kinnear, who has now taken on the role of RSPB conservation officer for the counties of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, England.
March 7, 2012

3707 Nature After Minerals (NAM) has appointed Dr Carolyn Jewell as its planning adviser following the departure of Charlotte Kinnear, who has now taken on the role of RSPB conservation officer for the counties of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, England.

She comes from a background in ecological consultancy, specialising in environmental impact assessments (EISs) and various environmental issues in the planning system.

Her role continues to have an England-wide remit. Engaging with and influencing the minerals planning process, in particular the Minerals Development Frameworks, to achieve positive policy outcomes for wildlife remains a priority for the role, as it does for the programme as a whole.

NAM is a partnership between 3593 Natural England and RSPB (the 2900 Royal Society for the protection of Birds) with support from the 2897 Mineral Products Association and the 887 British Aggregates Association.