Hitachi strengthens its remanufacturing offer

Hitachi Construction Machinery Europe (HCME) is to offer greater support to its authorised European dealers to help them offer an enhanced remanufacturing service to customers. According to Hitachi, the move is aimed at strengthening the high-quality and low pricing message behind its Genuine Hitachi Remanufactured Components Programme. Under the programme, HCME claims to offer customers with a cost-effective and high-quality alternative to buying a new main component for their machines. The company has sai
Loading, Hauling & Excavation / June 29, 2012
ABE SO 09 P 46 2
Remanufactured parts are prepared by experienced Hitachi personnel and to the same standards as new components

3616 Hitachi Construction Machinery Europe (HCME) is to offer greater support to its authorised European dealers to help them offer an enhanced remanufacturing service to customers. According to Hitachi, the move is aimed at strengthening the high-quality and low pricing message behind its Genuine Hitachi Remanufactured Components Programme.

Under the programme, HCME claims to offer customers with a cost-effective and high-quality alternative to buying a new main component for their machines. The company has said that the remanufactured parts are prepared by experienced Hitachi personnel and to the same standards as new components and are also tested in the same way as new parts.

In a statement the company said, "A remanufactured part will also be suitable for possible updates because it has been built according to the latest factory specifications. Like a new component, it is available with six months' warranty - a further guarantee of Hitachi quality and performance." According to Hitachi, the programme encourages the recycling of old machine parts but the customer also benefits from reduced parts costs. The lowest price available to Hitachi customers is almost half the price of a new component. This includes the credit they receive from HCME for returning the original core component. The value of the replaced component is determined by a core assessment.

HCME general manager product support Kenji Ota said, "Our main aim is to enhance customer satisfaction by offering good-as-new quality components. However, it will also benefit our dealers, by expanding on the excellent service they provide.

"Hydraulic components for crawler excavators - such as main pumps, and travel and swing motors - as well as axles and transmissions for wheeled excavators and wheel loaders, are now available to order. We will extend the programme to include a wider range of components on an ongoing basis."

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