ACI examines properties of PFA cement system and nanographite

December 5, 2018

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) has released a paper which examined advancements of early-age physical properties for the pulverized fly ash (PFA) cement system blended with nanographite (nG).

The document, written by Mehmet S. Kirgiz, says class F fly ash (FFA), nG, and ASTM Type I cement are used to prepare various cement combinations (for example, 35% FFA + 65% ASTM I + 1.1% nG). Pastes and mortars are mixed with these cements, with tap water or with tap water + superplasticizer to monitor developments on physical properties of the FFA-cement.

Pulverized Fuel Ash Cement Activated by Nanographite says the experimented properties are water absorption, calcium hydroxide content, setting time, flow, flexural strength, and compressive strength for the FFA-cement (FFA-C), FFA-C/nG combinations, pure cement, and PC/nG combinations.

“It is concluded from the research results that FFA-C activated nG is favourable in terms of water absorption, Ca(OH)2 content, setting time, flow, and strength gain when compared to pure cement and nG-blended cement,” ACI adds.


